The 7 Elements of Your Operations Foundation

Incorporating these 7 elements is the first step into optimizing an intentional and aligned business.

🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 3

Part 3 of a 3-part series of Systems struggles and fixes that can be implemented right now.

🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 2

Part 2 of a 3-part series of Systems struggles and fixes that can be implemented right now.

🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 1

Part 1 of a 3-part series of Systems struggles and fixes that can be implemented right now.

Calendar Bulk Upload

My favorite calendar accessory is this bulk upload csv file, and I want to share it with you.

5 Signs Your Business Needs an Operations Overhaul

As your business evolves, so should your Operations. But how do you know when it's time for a change? 

Stop Creating SOPs, you're wasting your time!

Stop Creating SOPs, you're wasting your time!

Your Creativity Needs Structure, Sugar

I've mentored quite a few Black Designers over the years, and a lot of their frustrations about their creative work came from a lack of structure. We'd talk about making some adjustments to their processes, they'd make those adjustments, then things would take off. In this stage of my life, my Spirit is being led to help even more Black Designers and Creatives get organized so they can be their best selves. See... people hear structure and think: Constraint Boxed ...

3 SOPs to Add to Your Business Today

SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) may seem like a PITA, until you need them or the lack of them start costing you money. Start on them now

Protect Your Neck - Email Edition

Don't tie your digital life together with just one or two email addresses, because if something goes awry, your digital life is in danger.


Hi, I'm Rik! 👋🏽

  • Mom of adult daughter and Pup-Nana to a very chill, but loud, American Stafforshire Terrier.
  • Baker of Butter Cake. Sipper of Americanos.
  • Business Operations + Systems Strategist with 33 years of diverse Operations experience.
  • Creator of a Business Operations manual system that has helped 100+ solo business owners generates upwards of $3.7M.
  • Experience spans airport emergency management, international financial reporting, and innovative project leadership.

Committed to optimizing operations and driving growth through strategic problem-solving and adaptable leadership.

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