Blog 🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 2

🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 2


Between clients, friends who run businesses, and social media scrolling, I’ve come to see why so many struggle with Systems.

I ran an informal poll and ended up with a 3-part series of Systems struggles and fixes that can be implemented right now.

In this Systems Struggle installment, we're looking at struggles 4 and 5, based on responses given to last week's survey question.

Let's get into it!

🚍 You're in a rush for results

The Struggle:

The emergence of online business has created the illusion that results are immediate, don't need strategic planning, and don't need to be planned more than 90 days at a time.

While it is VERY possible to be booked and banking without strategy and planning, doing so builds a shaky foundation that will ensure you have to start over when it seems like you should be growing.

The Fix:

  • Revisit your goals and take actions that support them.
  • Remember that well-designed systems are investments (time, money, or energy) that pay off in the long run.
  • Celebrate your small wins, before jumping into the next task/milestone.

🚍 You have the "I Can Do It All" mindset

The Struggle:

You wear all the hats. Maybe you think no one will work your business the way you do. Or that you’re too smart to have to ask for help; you’ll figure it all out. Or you don’t think you have the budget. Or maybe you think there’s a prize for doing every possible thing yourself.

Sadly, the only prizes for managing every single aspect of your business are missed details and burnout.

The Fix:

  • Get a handle on your capacity and manage your expectations. Sure, your vision is huge, but that doesn’t mean you have to bring it to fruition all at once.
  • Get your to-do list out of your head, then categorize tasks into DIY, delegate or automate.

💡 Where finances are the main concern, start with delegating tasks that will bring in revenue fastest - i.e. have your onboarding process set up and automated instead of dropping a bag on branding. People make money with no/ugly sites every day, B.

Bottom Line:

You can’t do it all and for long. You do not have to hire employees or a long-term contractor, but at some point you’ll need to hire someone to get you past your stuck point.

Sit with this for a sec: it costs about 10% - minimum - of your goal revenue to hit that revenue goal.


Hi, I'm Rik! 👋🏽

  • Mom of adult daughter and Pup-Nana to a very chill, but loud, American Stafforshire Terrier.
  • Baker of Butter Cake. Sipper of Americanos.
  • Business Operations + Systems Strategist with 33 years of diverse Operations experience.
  • Creator of a Business Operations manual system that has helped 100+ solo business owners generates upwards of $3.7M.
  • Experience spans airport emergency management, international financial reporting, and innovative project leadership.

Committed to optimizing operations and driving growth through strategic problem-solving and adaptable leadership.

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