Blog 🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 1

🚌 Get off the Systems Struggle Bus Part 1


Between clients, friends who run businesses, and social media scrolling, I’ve come to see why so many struggle with Systems.

I ran an informal poll and ended up with a 3-part series of Systems struggles and fixes that can be implemented right now.

See if any of them strike a chord with you; bonus points if you check them off your to-do list.

And if you feel called out?


That means you are aware and in a superb position to make the necessary adjustments when you are ready.

Let's get into it!

🚍 You don't know where to start

The Struggle:

Analysis paralysis and constantly researching without taking action will leave you feeling overwhelmed about where to get started with your systems.

The Fix:

Decide what you want now, and where you’d like to be 3/6/9/36 months from now

Pick one thing that will get you to that goal. List the steps in that one thing and the resources you’ll need. Document and Do. Repeat.

🚍 You're not clear about your goals

The Struggle:

Without clear goals, it's hard to define what systems are needed. If you feel like you are all over the place, your goals probably need definition or refinement.

The Fix:

Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to guide your system-building process.

🚍 You're distracted by shiny objects

The Struggle:

Constantly buying and migrating to new software/tools without a plan for implementation is sure to cause confusion and waste valuable time, money, and energy resources

The Fix:

Again, check in with your goals. They will tell you what you need. Use them as a checklist against what you already have and those shiny objects you feel you should get.

Notice a trend here?

Your goals are the foundation for your systems.

Sounds too easy to be effective? It’s not. I promise.

Get in touch with your goals. Better yet, get back to dreaming first.

What ridiculous thing do you want to accomplish?

What are 3 things you can DO to move you closer? These will be your goals. Schedule them. Then DO them.

You’ll get rid of the first 3 struggles in no time.


Hi, I'm Rik! 👋🏽

  • Mom of adult daughter and Pup-Nana to a very chill, but loud, American Stafforshire Terrier.
  • Baker of Butter Cake. Sipper of Americanos.
  • Business Operations + Systems Strategist with 33 years of diverse Operations experience.
  • Creator of a Business Operations manual system that has helped 100+ solo business owners generates upwards of $3.7M.
  • Experience spans airport emergency management, international financial reporting, and innovative project leadership.

Committed to optimizing operations and driving growth through strategic problem-solving and adaptable leadership.

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