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Planner: Intentional Goal Setting

Whether you need to tweak your current business goals or set new ones, this guide will walk you through setting you up for success.

This guide is for your own personal business use only:

What you can do with this guide:

  • Use the guide within your own business to work on your business projects.
  • Edit the documents to include your business information and instructions for your team to use within your company.
  • Give the documents to your virtual assistant and/or team members to work on your business projects for you.

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  • Duplicate, copy, share or sell the guide in any way to your customers, clients or members as this is not done-for-you content (private label rights).
  • Give this guide away for any reason as as this is not done-for-you content (private label rights).

If you have questions about these terms of use, please contact tbo@aunteerik.com to ask.



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